Throughout Antipas’ correspondence with Luke, we do not know when exactly Antipas is converted. One thing the readers do know for sure is Antipas’ faithfulness in following through the gospel. This is evidenced by his frequent engagement or correspondence with Luke and his increased enthusiasm in Christian virtues. Besides, Antipas’ compassion for Simon ben Joseph, his love for the little girl Nouna, his sympathy for the woman and her baby where he met during the voyage to Caesarea, and his changed attitude towards the gladiatorial game at the end also tell us that he was being transformed gradually without him even realizing it. What is shocking and unexpected of Antipas is his sudden appearance in the gladiatorial game appealing to the emperor for the life and freedom of Demetrius, imitating Jesus Christ who laid down His life on the cross for us. Truly, “greater love has no one than this,” The Lost Letters of Pergamum by Longenecker is a gospel by itself depicted through the transformed life and acts of love of Antipas. It seriously challenges my faith again– would I be like Antiapas if I were in his situation?
The stark contrast between the two Christian Bible study groups: one by Kalandion and another by Antonius resemble very much to our present day context even though the story is told in an antiquity setting. Without doubt, Longenecker is doing a marvelous narrating to intertwine historical data and fictional characters into a very believable biblical account. I truly find it helpful and experience for the first time to better appreciate the gospel of Luke when I heard it from Antipas. The experience or the feeling I have in reading Antipas’s narrative is like you heard from someone in the historical context who talked about his own experience. Antipas’ description of his personal experience, which he encountered at the house of Antonius, is very heartwarming. It resonates with my heart for the same desire – Isn’t this the kind of fellowship we Christians long for in our Bible study group at home?
The Book of Isaiah
Scholars generally claim the prophetic book is not belonged to or written
by one author. A prophetic book can mean multiple collections from
different auth...
16 years ago