Friday, June 18, 2010

Time to take inventory

For nearly nearly half a year, I had posted just one entry on my blog! “I must be too busy for the last six months,” I thought to myself. Was I? Well, as I reflected on my past journey for the first half of the year 2010, I don’t think that was entirely true.

Yes, I was very busied with my Hebrew in the winter quarter when I had an intensive class together with a NT theology, and a long side with these I had to be an intern and a community coordinator but still I was not super busy to the point that I didn’t have any time to jot something down.

I guessed what kept me from posting any entry in the blog was I spent too little time lately with God in reading His Word. I always believe that studying Scripture (with motive) for the sake of passing exams or teaching the Bible in the Sunday school out of duty will not help me draw closer to God at all. Yes, I might gain a little more knowledge about Him for what I had done, but that would not motivate me to share or talk about His work.

If I am not close with God, how can I share with others about Him?

I hope this summer I can spend a little more time in devotion before I get too tied up again with many other things in a new academic year. Amen.

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