I am really not keen in getting into the argument of whether God cannot lie or who does not lie (Titus 1:2). Many people seem to have trouble with the fact that God cannot lie than to take delight in a God who never lies.
Numerous suggestions have been offered by people to help God get out of this embarrassment. How can our omnipotent God, who is all powerful, not have the ability to do all things? How can something be impossible for Him (Hebrew 6:18) when He is known as the God of the impossible?
If you indulge in the debate of the above questions, I believe that is Satan’s deception. God is holy and righteous; He has nothing to do with lies at all. He is the truth and in Him there is absolutely no lie.
What we ought to be aware of instead is who the real liar is. According to the Bible, the devil, from the beginning was a murderer, not holding to the truth. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies
(John 8:44b).
The passages found in the Bible about why God cannot lie or does not lie is illustrating exactly the opposite - that ‘lies’ have no role in a holy God. It has nothing to do with God’s ability or freedom.
Unfortunately, sometimes out of our own folly and naivety, we try to make God fit into our idiotic explanation- maybe He can but He chooses not- making Him merely an honest God.
Can’t we just let God be God and take delight in Him? I am glad that my faith is build on a trustworthy and an unchanging God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen.
The Book of Isaiah
Scholars generally claim the prophetic book is not belonged to or written
by one author. A prophetic book can mean multiple collections from
different auth...
16 years ago
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