Monday, September 8, 2008

Why do we suffer for the sin of others?

“Isn't it unfair that we have to suffer the sin of others?” my children once asked me. Why does the Bible say that children are punishable for the sin of the fathers? (Exodus 20:5b).

I have to agree it does seem unfair if you merely just look at the matter on its surface. But, if you know the principle of cause and effect, and how God's creation normally operates, it is not difficult to view this issue from a different perspective.

Who are the ones that benefit when the ‘fathers’ are doing well and prosper? If you read further into the Bible about the nation of Israel, it is not difficult to discover that the people prosper and are blessed when they have a good king who does what is right in the eyes of the Lord and suffer greatly whenever they have a king who does evil in His sight.

If one only suffers for the bad things happened and never once enjoy the fruits from the parents, perhaps we could call it unfair to the children. The issue here is not about fairness, it is about relationship among the generations. Whatever labored or harbored in a generation does have an effect on the next generation. Let's not focus on the negative side but look up to God for His great promise of showing love to a thousand generation to those who love Him and keep His commandments. Amen.

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